Future discussion topic recommendations
Several of us met on Labor Day with the goal of identifying topics for at least five future monthly meetings. (Thanks, Dave N, for hosting!) Being the overachievers we are, we pushed beyond the goal. Following are the resulting topics, which will each have its own article on this site where we can begin organizing references for the discussion:
- sex-related influences on emotional memory
- gross and subtle brain differences (e.g., “walls of the third ventricle – sexual nuclei”)
- “Are there gender-based brain differences that influence differences in perceptions and experience?”
- epigenetic factors (may need an overview of epigenetics)
- embodied cognition
- computational grounded cognition (possibly the overview and lead-in topic)
- neuro-reductionist theory vs. enacted theory of mind
- “Could embodied cognition influence brain differences?” (Whoever suggested this, please clarify.)
- brain-gut connection (relates to embodied cognition, but can stand on its own as a topic)
- behavioral priming and subliminal stimuli (effects on later behavior)
- incremental theory – “The Dark Side of Malleability”
- creative flow as a unique cognitive process
- Eastern philosophies and psychology – a psychology of self-cultivation
- neuroscience of empathy – effects on the brain, including on neuroplasticity (discussed October 2017)
- comparative effects of various meditative practices on the brain
- comparative effects of various psychedelics on the brain
- effects of childhood poverty on the brain
- neurocognitive bases of racism
If I missed anything, please edit the list (I used HTML in the ‘Text’ view to get sub-bullets). If you’re worried about the formatting, you can email your edits to cogniphile@albuquirky.net and Mark will post your changes.
“Could embodied cognition influence brain differences?” (Whoever (Brent?) suggested this, please clarify.) Wasn’t Brent that suggested this one.
Based on what was recently posted on our meetup site, I anticipate that our next discussion will concentrate on discussion of the Oakley & Halligan 2017, “Unconscious nature of being paper.” That’s great by me. I posted this preparatory remark on the group’s Meetup site and duplicate it here: I urge members to ponder this basic and I think irrefutable principle, although it is seldom if ever applied to assessing the working relationship between the conscious and unconscious mind/brain, which both clearly exist. Human quality consciousness is a capacity that requires an elaborate cortex. (The cortex clearly in necessary, but… Read more »