Welcome to the Albuquerque Brain, Mind, Consciousness and AI Discussion Group

Welcome to the Albuquerque Brain, Mind, Consciousness and AI Discussion Group

About Us

Collaborate online with others who share a passion for the scientific exploration of cognition, intelligence, and consciousness relevant to humans, artificial intelligence (AI) systems, and cognitively advanced animals. Science is the framework that guide our inquiries and discussions.

Is This Group for You?

To enjoy and benefit from participating in this group, you don’t have to be a scientist. You are a good candidate for our group if you:

• are genuinely interested in the group’s focal topics (brain, mind, cognition, intelligence, consciousness, AI, etc.)

• are a lifelong learner who will check posted materials prior to each meeting and take part in discussions

• are self-disciplined in civil discourse (trolling, proselytizing, and other overly dominating, aggressive, or abusive behaviors won’t be tolerated)

• are local to greater Albuquerque, New Mexico, or able to collaborate remotely, through this site

Additionally, it would benefit the group’s learning and social goals if you are able and willing occasionally to take the lead on preparing and facilitating a discussion or related event (relevant field trip or guest speaker, etc.).

Active Participation: You are welcome to be primarily a listener or lurker, but we’ll all get more from our group if you put forward your own relevant questions, ideas, and understandings.

This Collaboration Site

To gain permission to post and comment on this site, you may request authoring permissions by sending your preferred personal email address to cogniphile@albuquirky.net. In your message, please explain where you live (city and state or country, if outside the U.S.) and what your specific interests are relative to our group.


We no longer maintain a schedule of regular meetings. Active members self-organize discussions on an ad hoc basis.