Collective Enlightenment Through Postmetaphysical Eyes
The paper can be found here. The abstract follows:
Enlightenment has had broadly different definitions is the East and West. In the East it is seen as an individual accessing meditative states that transcend the world of form in a metaphysical reality. In the West it is more about individual development to abstract reasoning, which can accurately represent empirical reality but is itself an a priori, metaphysical capacity. Enlightenment in either case is based on metaphysical individual achievements. However the postmetaphysical turn has questioned such premises, instead contextualizing both meditative states and abstract reasoning within broader socio-cultural contexts. Enlightenment itself has thereby been redefined within this orientation and is seen more as a collective endeavor that is collaboratively enacted.
The Spanda Journal issue in which this article appears has been released. However after reading a couple of the other articles it seems they are not based in the sort of neuroscience and social science I used. There’s still a lot of woo out there on the topic of consciousness and enlightenment.,1.pdf