Should quantum anomalies make us rethink reality?
Indeed we should according to this recent Scientific American article. One thing I learned from Dennett in his new book is that according to him the scientific image uncovers an objective, underlying reality, while the manifest image is corrupted by our personal ontology. Not so according to quantum mechanics, which operates on the premise that our scientific results themselves are tied to our perceptions and constructed categories, not “a purely objective world out there.” There is a paradigm shift in science itself in accepting this understanding, given quantum anomalies described in the link. It’s time to update your scientific (and manifest) image Professor Dennett.
I also posted this on FB, where someone commented that the quantum world only measures the very small and large. In between our current science seems to work just fine. That we humans are limited to what we can perceive and think by our biological brain is verified by current cognitive science. Dennett even confirms this in his notion of how our interactive affordances with the environment limit our ontology to what is useful to us, while we do not register the rest. So in that sense we do not register reality in toto, and that includes our scientific instruments… Read more »